Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 15-- A prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown.

Christ made the above statement and is found in the New Testament of course.

Now before you accuse me of comparing myself to Christ please note I am not doing so.

However, a rather ugly and vexing negativity towards my trip is arising out of people I am close to back home in Morton, IL.

As a general rule it seems to me that when someone in our family goes outside the box and does something that would tend to break a generational pattern it scares those close to us. 

I'm not supposed to be undertaking this journey of mine. It is meeting with heavy disapproval. Why?

All I know is that this quest of mine has already resulted in meeting and connecting with people who have the love of Christ in them. And, through their good works towards me I am reflecting it back on not only them but will reflect it on those I have yet to meet down the road.

I think for the first time in my life I am living as a true believer should. My trust in the Lord...and even in those who have befriended me has abounded.

Where's the problem?

I think certain people especially those in my family (small minority) are and have been comfortable with me in a small circle and in a tiny box. As long as I continued working and not stirring the pot I was OK. But, when I announced my walk across America and when I have met with huge underlying negativity has now blossomed forth into some real ugliness.

I will not let others even in my own family to dictate to me what my journey will look like and what my life should look like. I will say to them that I am truly sorry you cannot accept me as I am unconditionally.

Two doors closed for me months ago which led to my decision to seek God out on the road. At that time I had no idea this decision would impact me or others as much as it has. I was prepared for the inevitable criticism to be irresponsible it dangerous it stupid it is for an overweight 54 year old to attempt something on this scale. But, I was not prepared for this.

The last two weeks with all of the reactions from all of the people I have had the pleasure to meet...that  should be exhibit A for you that this journey is God's particular will for me...maybe not for you...but it is for me. An ultimately it is my life is it not!

So, I feel the above statement made by the Lord fits in this particular problem. It is painful for I guess it won't be just blisters hurting along the way.


  1. Mom , Marty and Marten , Jordan, Jared and other Powleys, Josh and Andrew...thank you for your very vocal support for my trip!

  2. Bruce, You are so welcomed and very poignantly said! Just keep the Faith and keep trekking away and ignore the negativity out there:). Love ya!

  3. Thanks Marty. Just had someone text me telling they don't think its Gods will that I am out here walking. They think its in my head and that I need to get back home! Never expected this reaction to my trip. Never. How can someone else know better Gods will for me than me??? Riddle that.

  4. I will publicly say this because you have already opened this "can of worms" not everyone thought it was a good idea for me to move to KC and work a job that first paid nothing and after a while even up until now is lower than what I would be paid to do this job in the world. Some people said I needed a plan b in case I heard God wrong and that I may not be making The best decision. That being said I am not accusing you of anything just saying lets not point the finger at your own flesh and name a bunch of people around said person who are supporters but not said person. This trip is I think a good idea, focus on Trip and process the negative between you and the Lord ad not you and everyone reading your blog.

  5. Going to have to disagree with you Hoss. This trip involves everything both good and negative. I'm not going to leave the negative out which can result in a candy coated mush. We are grateful God didn't take out the negative in His Word like the time David committed adultery and then had Bathsheba's husband murdered to cover it up. Life consists of both good and bad. I will decide what goes in my blog...having said that I am trying to be sensitive to others... I could have wrote more on this subject but chose to temper my words. Appreciate the advice. Hoss you have matured so much in your walk and I could not be prouder of you. In fact, I did not support your move to IHOP...if I recall correctly. Just shows how wrong we can be when we try to determine God's will for others. Thanks Hoss.

  6. I guess I just want you to be sensitive about how you talk about people I care about. You have been on both sides of the coin being the unsupportive and now the one on the journey. All have to say more about its choose love and forgiveness and not shame and bitterness. I love you and cant wait to see you!

  7. Thanks boy...need you to monitor that part of me!! Can't wait to see you too!
