Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 15-Quincy--Getting Chiropractic Treatment

While attending Unity Church yesterday I met William Russell Lane a chiropractor who offered me a free chiro adjustment. Monica took me took his office this morning at 1030am and he adjusted my back and neck; but, gave me the gentle version because of my extreme lack of flexibility. I have known for most of my life that flexibility was not my thing but had no idea it was this bad. Russ told me that most people don't groan like I did when he administers this level of adjustment.

Russ doubts very much I will make it to Los Angeles without tearing some ligaments. Advised me to be stretch every morning or else.

He did something miraculous to my neck because now I have so much more range of motion. I feel so much more limber now.

Monica gave me a long and very relaxing massage yesterday evening. Between the massage yesterday and the adjustment this morning I feel much more eager to hit the road.

However, Monica has activities planned for me at least through Thursday. She wants me to stay another week after this week so I can volunteer at a place like Catholic Charities. So, I may take her up on that.  I am beginning to get the idea once again this is a journey and not so much about a destination.

Having lunch right now. But soon I  will be walking the 3 miles to the Quincy Herald to conduct an interview.


  1. how does your chiro feel about traveling with you? :) While you are in Quincy I hope you meet up with the fine folks in close to another group of wonderful people. Blessings on your day..keep us posted!

    1. Hello Janelle. Can you direct me to these people in Taylor as that is my next town over? Man, wished I could bring Russ with me. Need him.

    2. Hi, Bruce! I don't know if you remember me from Morton Young Group, but I live in Taylor now with my husband. We heard about your blog via a friend via Tricia Banwart... AC grapevine!! Anyway, we would like to have you stay with us...please give us a call...217-617-1926

    3. I was a Hunziker from folks were Al & Ginny...

    4. Peg: I surely do remember you! And, your dad was one of my Sunday school teachers from 100 years ago! Wow! What a small world. I would very much like to stay with you and your family. I may be here in Quincy for the next 2 wks. I will call you tomorrow if that's OK. Can't wait to see you!

  2. Wow, A big 'Thank You', to Dr. Lane and Monica for taking such great care of You! Take their advice and do Yr stretches everyday:) Love You!

    1. Hey Marty...these new friends of mine are great aren't they?? Very fortunate!

  3. ahem....Janelle is not Janelle...didn't know she was logged in on my computer..:) Sounds like Doug/Tricia already set you up with the Taylor folks...seriously there are so many great people there...and when you find one with Morton roots..why all the better!! :)

  4. All is well that ends well, then. Glad to hear that. Chiropractors can be quite the help in ways that you don't expect. Mainly because some therapies can not only give relief, they can also provide you with lattitude, which you either lost or you previously didn't have. All the best to you!

    Vanessa Adams @ Oshawa Chiropractor
