Wednesday, July 22, 2015

6 months in Idaho Springs, Colorado

6 months ago yesterday the Nelsons dropped me off at the Lucas House on Colorado Blvd in Idaho Springs thus commencing my mountain mission to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

The minute we opened the door problems arose, mainly the basement was flooding as a pipe burst sometime before we arrived.

The heat was off and it was a cold 20 degrees inside. The gas was off too. Oh well, I thought. It was better than camping in the timber!

After moving in and saying goodbye to the Nelsons I trekked over to the coffee shop downtown and introduced myself to Donna one of the baristas.

Eventually, I got to know many of the downtown business people, the local homeless people and scores of other townspeople as well as the pastors of the local churches.

I had many opportunities to proclaim the Kingdom here in Idaho Springs especially in the church pulpits and I took each one as this is my full time job now.

I have made many life time friendships more than you would think possible in just 6 months.

Now, thanks to Bruce Bell's generosity he and I are building a 10 x 10 wood cabin for me to inhabit up on his mountain top 3 miles east of town in Hidden Valley.

I will winter in that cabin and begin writing a book memorializing my journey which started in April of 2014. I will be completely off grid up there with no electricity and no plumbing/heating. I will have to snowshoe down the 3 miles into town to get groceries/supplies and to connect to the internet.

I will miss the Lucas House but I have grown too soft living in town. I plan on writing and reading and cutting a lot of firewood for the wood stove.

Plus, Bruce Bell has many projects for us to complete before Spring.

Looking forward to meeting only my bare necessities while up in my cabin dissolving life into only what is absolutely required for life and nothing more. I need time to write, read and pray. I am still undecided on what path to take next year and am hoping that my alone time will bring clarity.

Once I can afford to purchase a donkey I will get started going door to door in York Gulch and Spring Gulch. But, I will need more contributions.

In the meantime, Grace and Shalom to you all!

Pics show the floor/foundation of my cabin up on Bell Mountain. Last pic shows a replica of Henry David Thoreau's cabin on Walden Pond near Concord, MA.

BR Schoenbein- July 22, 2015 Wednesday

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Building a 10' X 10' log cabin up on Bell Mountain

Bruce Bell gave me permission to build a small log cabin up on his mountain near his garden and his wife's grave.

Work commenced last week with marking off the 10' x 10 perimeter just south of the same electrical towers we camped by at Bill Lee's ranch located 8-10 miles directly west. I'm a bit more than a quarter mile up from Bruce's home at the base of the mountain.

As Bruce and I climbed up to the cabin site he noted huge rocks dug up apparently by a large bear looking for ants. He also found bear scat up there too. His 2 dogs Ollie and Zador were acting uneasy too.

Before we started work Bruce handed me a handmade bow and arrow and we both shot arrows using distant pine trees as targets. Zador Bruce's older dog lives for retrieving the shot arrows. It was a blast. I did very well hitting the targets dead on! Bruce wonders if I have some Indian blood in me. Ha-ha!

We selected the site, then marked it with pegs and string after which we found large flat rocks to lay a floor. We will then mix up concrete and spread it out to level the rock floor. Then we will install black plastic over the concrete floor and lay down carpet remnants.

After that we will select 12 or more dead pine trees and use them for the bottom 3 courses on all 4 sides. 3 log posts on all 4 sides will act as studs on which we will nail old recycled graying clapboards for siding.

We located an early 1900s cook stove to use to heat the cabin and cook on.

Access to the cabin is gained by hiking up a narrow  jeep trail Bruce cut out back in 1950.

I plan on wintering in this cabin working on my book and only occasionally hiking into Idaho Springs 4 miles to the west using snow shoes or skis thanks to Bruce Bell.

I've invited my friend, Michael Ellington, from Empire located in western Clear Creek County to camp over a weekend up in the cabin with me. I promised him that free range squirrel and boiled potatoes will be on the menu. Bruce is loaning me one of his 12 gauge shotguns to hunt for food and for protection against the big bruin that's ranging over his mountain.

We should be done in about 3-4 weeks. Then I'll move from the Lucas House and into my new cabin. I'm hoping then to have a place to stay when my circuit brings me back to Idaho Springs. I plan on leaving Idaho Springs come spring/early summer. Where I do not yet know. I may continue west out of Colorado for the west coast or for Slab City.

Then I would like to hike east to the east coast. Then, I think I will head west back to Colorado and continue my mission to the mountain towns.

But, everything is fluid and I can plan and plan but, its God who directs my steps.

It's an 8 mile hike to Bell Mountain and back. So, I'm wore out before I even begin the work day! But, its good for me.

Yesterday Bruce cut some chives, lambs quarter, dandelions, lettuce and wild mustard for me for my dinner. Also had more than a few strawberries Bruce grows down in his garden next to his house. It was one of the best salads I ever ate.

Wednesdays I moderate a book club at the coffee shop at 1230pm. Free coffee for all! We are studying a book about Mary Magdalene. Very interesting subject matter.

Cant wait to experience winter in a small cabin up on the mountain where its not unusual to have 3-5 foot of snow overnight with nothing but the snow, squirrels, birds and bears to keep me company. Plus, Bruce has work projects for us to work on during the winter. We have a rock retaining wall to build on the cliff side near Chee Chee's grave.

I can already hear the howling December wind blowing through the tops of the pine canopy with the coyotes yipping and the heavy wet snow blowing against the north side of my cabin while I'm busy writing my book by the light of a kerosene lamp next to the blazing hot fire raging inside the  cook stove. My teapot hissing with chamomile tea boiling on the top burner.

Yep, can't wait for winter.

Pics are of my dinner salad picked from Bruce's garden and of the cabin perimeter and cabin floor. Last pics are of Bruce's garden including his strawberries in the second to last pic. The last pic shows Bruce with his handmade bow and arrow while we both were shooting arrows at the trees.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 8, 2015- Breakfast Club Today

Just finished up our Breakfast Club meeting at the Sunshine Restaurant. Russ, Bruce 1, Bruce 2, Kris, Annie, Ray in attendance.

Spoke to Debbie who works at the Sunshine as well. Bruce Bell and I discussed the weighty matters of the day. We also discussed the possibility of Bruce and I completing his log cabin with the 8' tall stone foundation that he started a while back on the summit of Bell Mountain. I would then camp in the cabin over the winter. We would install a small wood burning stove so I could have some heat and a way to cook.

I have a number of options after leaving the Lucas House in October. This is a new one and very intriguing. I have never camped out in the Colorado mountains during the winter.

It has been monsoonal here for two weeks or more. It's been raining just about every day! Cannot go door to door until next week.

Allen advised that he's been asked to work one more week for Nate the carpenter. Yippie! I really enjoy his company and his help!

My sermon on Luke 4:14-32 on Christ's inaugural address went well I thought last Sunday at Mercy Church in Englewood. I really miss regular contact with my church!

Bonnie Coffey has arrived in Florida and is getting back in her routine. She and Rudy are sorely missed! Bonnie unfortunately took a nasty fall injuring her hand and knee. She's in the process of getting X-Rays.

Soon...after Allen has left for Alaska to preach the Kingdom of God in Fairbanks, it will be just me in this big old house. I've got 3 months to finish up my mission here in Idaho Springs. Then, who knows??

Like I said...I may camp up on Bell Mountain for the winter, or I might help a church in Fairplay or in Conifer, or I might help out at Mercy Church. Or I might just walk to Slab City in Southern California and live with the biker gangs and fugitives. It's s fertile area to proclaim the Kingdom...that's for sure!

Bonnie invited me to Florida too. So, there it is...eeney, meeney miney mo!

Grace and Shalom to y'all!

Pics are of a lady hiker ontop of a mountain, Glenda Watson owner of the Frothy Cup and Pastor Jim Long his wife, Brenda and children dedicating their youngest child at Mercy Church.

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6, 2015- A new week!

Preached on Luke 4:18-32 and Isaiah 61:1-2 yesterday at Mercy Church. Allen Yates and I spent the weekend house/dog sitting for the Watson's in Lone Tree. We watched fireworks at Rich and Marge Nelsons in Littleton.

Becky Blackwell my landlord came over last Monday as I was moving out and we had a good long discussion after which she asked me to stay on at the house. So, I never did have to move out. She apologized for spreading gossip and rumors and we agreed there was some misunderstanding concerning my work with churches other than First Baptist. I reminded her that from the beginning of my stay here in Idaho Springs I would be working with the other churches as well.

After church Pastors Josh and Jim and I talked about what I was planning to do after this portion of my mission was done. One of the options is to help at Mercy Church or to help another church located in Fairplay in South Park. That Church is looking for a pastor.

No decisions about these options have been made. I may travel to Slab City in Southern California to spend the winter. Just don't know yet.

Waiting for my flyers before I head into York Gulch. Entertaining the idea of starting up a house church in York Gulch with my friend, Joe Eaton, who owns a home there. York Gulch is located north of Idaho Springs near St Mary's Glacier.

I may spend winter in Idaho Springs but not in the house. I gave the Blackwells a firm departure date of October 1. I may try my hand at winter camping up on Bell Mountain. Will discuss this with Bruce Bell at the breakfast club on Wednesday. I would like to construct a small log structure up near the summit big enough for a small wood burning stove. Just a thought. Just another option.

This is Allen's last week here in Idaho Springs and I am going to really miss him! He has been a great companion and helper. I've met so many good friends on my journey and I hate saying goodbye. But, as I have said before life is saying hello and goodbye.

Allen is headed for Alaska and is planning to locate in or near Fairbanks where he will be doing street preaching/evangelism. First, he plans on doing a 40 day fast in Alaska prior to his starting his mission.

Mercy Church will also keenly feel Allen's absence.

Shalom and God's grace to you all!

Pic is Pastor Dawit feeding a bottle to his new son, Yonathon. His daughter, Edna, is keeping a close eye out. I had lunch over at the parsonage the other day.

BR Schoenbein
Allen Yates
July 6, 2015- Monday