Saturday, February 25, 2017

Amy And I Vacationing In Kentucky

Amy, Trey and I took a road trip to Kentucky three days ago to visit Linda, Trey's new girlfriend who owns a log cabin on over a hundred acres in Central Kentucky.

Linda cares for several horses, dogs, cats and ducks here in this gently rolling woodlands interspersed with ponds, farmland and bogs.

One of her horses is a thoroughbred, actually the great grandson of Secretariat the famous racehorse. This is definitely blue grass horse country here in Kentucky.

When we arrived it was almost 80 degrees with a nice, gentle wind. Today it's in the 30s and cold. So, we started a fire in the fireplace and boiled some coffee and warmed up Linda's cranberry coffee cake.

Yesterday, we all took a hike through the bottoms near the creek.  We beheld gum trees, hickories, cedars and oaks. Linda's dogs, Emma and Bailey joined our little entourage and traipsed around following close behind.

Later, we cooked up Elk burgers, mashed potatoes and salad. In the evening we enjoyed some Kentucky Bourbon straight up. It was the smoothest Bourbon I ever had. All I needed to make the evening perfect would be my pipe or a good Dominican cigar!

Amy and I lingered a bit outside last night to view the multiplicity of brilliant white stars overhead and plumped down in a glider overlooking the Mill pond to watch a storm front coming in from the west with lightening flashing on the distant horizon.

It's been such a pleasant and restful time with good food, a warm fire and great fellowship.

We don't really know when we're headed back to Colorado. But, then we don't really care either.

Amy and I took up Trey's offer to work for him and his various businesses; so before we left for Kentucky we quit Beau Jo's Pizza. We can pick our own hours and now I have more time to continue my pastoral work for Calvary Evergreen and Idaho Springs.

As I pen this article I am up on the loft studying and preparing for my sermon that I will deliver in two weeks up on Floyd Hill and Idaho Springs.

Gotta go...Linda's calling us for lunch.

The third pic show Secretariat's great grandson.


BR Schoenbein
Amy Schoenbein

February 25, 2017- Saturday

Friday, February 10, 2017

Lots Going On These Days!

Amy and I are living inside a whirlwind here in Idaho Springs, Colorado. We are both working at Beau Jo's Pizza most days and living high atop the canyon wall in a two story Victorian home built circa 1901 on the appropriately named Wall Street overlooking the downtown district.

I am using the term "street" in a very broad manner. It is only a one lane narrow dirt road with a precipitous drop off on the south side of 20-30 feet with no guard rail. It's a good cardio workout climbing up the hill on foot to get home.

But, it's a beautiful charming home with a fantastic view to be sure.

We moved out of the Anglican Church after a two month long stay after disagreements with the landlord. We then moved into a motel for a staggering $1280 per month for a tiny shoebox room. So, when Trey offered his home we jumped at the chance.

Incidently, amenities include a hot tub located out back on the canyon wall which we have not had the pleasure of using yet.

We are just now adjusting to the communal living arrangements with Trey, the owner and our good friend, Jonas, who I might add just accepted a job offer from the Frothy Cup Coffee Shop, my office location since January 2015.

Trey, who, though mostly retired was and still is to some degree a business entrepreneur who made his first million by the time he was in his twenties. More importantly, he is a true "born from above" disciple of Jesus who regularly helps feed, clothe and house the marginalized, the outcast and the homeless poor among us.

He has extended his Christian charity and hospitality most recently to Jonas our formerly homeless friend who now occupies quarters on the second floor next to our bedroom.

Tomorrow night Trey is coming back from a visit to his dry-cleaning business in Texas and is bringing back his 20 something son, Patrick, for a week long stay. We are all eagerly anticipating his expected arrival.

Big changes may be approaching from the distant horizon for Amy and I regarding our ministry. I cannot devulge any particulars but suffice it to say that potentially our lives and our current venue could change dramatically sooner or later. More on that issue later once things start developing.

On the home front...our little gathering here Sunday nights is growing slowly but surely. We see new faces most nights as well as our regulars.

Sunday night I am preaching on's costs and it's benefits as well as the dilaterious consequences for the Church Universal if discipleship is neglected.

It will not be a "feel good" sermon I can assure you. Christ calls us to a radical and extreme lifestyle contrary to our narcissistic American styled consumer oriented religious life.

Well... I'll leave it at that for now. For all my Colorado peeps please consider yourself invited this Sunday night at 6pm at the old Anglican Church located at 14th and Colorado in Idaho Springs.

Yesterday Pastor Craig drove Amy and I to my dentist in Golden for a root canal consultation with the actual procedure to take place hopefully in the next two weeks. I have a bottom molar with a dead nerve that needs root canal therapy as they call it. Yikes! Prayers for a good outcome are very much appreciated.

Amy and I are considering a trip back to Illinois in the near future so that I can introduce my new bride to friends and family. Of course, it's more difficult than ever to travel for any length of time due to our jobs and our other responsibilities here in Clear Creek County. But, our intention is do so. We will see what happens.

It was great hearing from my good friend, Jim Burns, from Quincy, Illinois. He is my confidant, my fellow traveler. His encouragement is so needed and appreciated. We talked of new developments at Unity Church and of mutual friends like Mac and Joyce McKinley and others. Our conversations always make me yearn for my spiritual home of Central Illinois.

Well...It's almost time for my shift in the "dish-pit" at Beau Jo's so with that...we will update things later when appropriate.

Pics show our new digs and Jonas.

Ciao for now! God's blessings to you all.

BR Schoenbein
Amy Schoenbein

February 10, 2017- Friday