Thursday, July 21, 2016

Amy P and Me!

Amy P and I hiked the 8 mile round trip to the Country Store and back yesterday. About halfway there we ran into a quick forming thunderstorm, but, fortunately, we were very close to Amy's storage unit on Cty Rd 314; so, we ducked into the 10 x 8 unit and sought shelter inside until the storm subsided enough for us to resume our hike.

Once at the store we bought some exotically flavored soda pop of which there are about 200 different flavors and brands! Lunch consisted of macaroni salad and some cheese and ham cubes.

Afterwards, we headed west back to town to our current abode, the Horner House on 19th which rests up against Virginia Canyon.

Amy easily walked the 8 miles which was uphill on the way back. She didn't require any breaks unlike myself. And, unlike the last time we hiked to the Country Store she didn't suffer any blisters. She's a real trooper that lady!

These hikes are part of my training for my anticipated departure in the spring of next year. The frequency and duration of my hikes will increase until I can consistently and frequently hike to Georgetown and back, which is a round trip of 26 miles with a fully loaded backpack consisting of 45 pounds including water.

Furthermore, I'm starting high intensity interval sprinting on the off days when I'm not hiking. Doing so will allow me to build up endurance quickly especially before the cold winter clime sets in.

Now, for the news:

Amy and I have been dating somewhat surreptitiously the last few months trying to keep things underwraps a bit. The reason for the secrecy is that there are those here in this gossipy little hamlet who would be and are opposed to my dating a woman 20 years younger than myself. Amy is 36 years old.

But, more relevant to the controversial issue of the chronological age difference is the fact that Amy's cognitive impairment caused by a traumatic brain injury suffered as a child resulted in a lower than "normal" IQ.

A few days ago one of the town's clerics asked to meet with me regarding my association with Amy. I agreed to the meeting thinking erroneously at the time that a frank and objective discussion would take place. Instead, the old pharisee became agitated and accused me of being too "powerful, articulate and manipulative" for Amy...who he said is a " vulnerable woman." I guess the implication is that Amy's not in enough control of her faculties or emotions and that I have run roughshod over both in order to get my way. Whatever that means!

Well...I do not prey on the elderly nor the young for any reason whatsoever. I simply fell in love...and quite by accident after being friends with Amy for about a year and a half.

Amy has her own mind, with her own independent jurisdiction. She has her own bank account, has held down a job for 2 years or so, lives totally independently, attends church, bible studies, shops locally by herself and has had previous male/female relationships.

Her impairment is there, granted, but it's minimal. We have had great discussions along with enjoyable good times together. I have helped her after a romantic breakup, helped get her to the hospital several times after suffering multiple illnesses, walked her home at night after her shift ended at 1030pm, dealt with her insurance needs, cooked and cleaned for her and finally moved her out of her apartment after her building was sold.

I did it all and continue to do these things for her just because she wants the help and asks me for assistance...and because I care for her deeply.

In the meantime, we both fell for each other. Is that so wrong?

This type of relationship bears with it a double whammy of a cultural stigma. First, the chronological age difference. Second, the cognitive impairment issue. In not so politically correct parlance, Amy is considered mildly "retarded."

We all think we are beyond discriminating against people who are cognitively handicapped. But, let me tell you, I have seen it first hand being around Amy. That old religionist mentioned previously who I once faithfully labored with in church believes in holding fast to a certain narrative or story for Amy and those like her. That narrative is this: they need to be constantly protected and hovered over so as to prevent any and all forms of harm...or "life" from occurring. The narrative continues in that the cognitively impaired have no right to the same general happiness that we "superiorly" intelligent citizens find in mutually beneficial love relationships.

It occurs to me...and I think you too that we are all "disabled" wounded, impaired, frail human beings. Some more so, some less so. Would you deny a loving relationship or those elements that make up a happy life to those who are slightly less intelligent than we?

Would you allow Amy to marry? Would you allow her to bring children into the world with her "handicap?"

And, before some of you readers start pontificating that my old ecclesiastical friend is merely trying to "protect" Amy from the vicissitudes and vagaries of life...think again.

This preacher pal of mine hasn't been involved in Amy's life other than he knows her parents. He does not call her to see how she is doing. He does not counsel her. His wife has refused to drive Amy to her physicians office because she "doesn't have the time."

Nor, does he have any intention of meeting with her to inquire as to her desires and goals for her life. In short, he does not know Amy. Yet, both he and his wife interferes in Amy's life.

Furthermore, Amy's story as narrated from the preacher's perspective is that she must remain a spinster up to the day she dies without experiencing the joy of a husband/wife relationship while working a "menial" job and possibly living in a group home or with her parents and away from men of all kinds.

Here's where I come into play: I disrupted the narrative, the original story. I changed it. I'm showing people that Amy has her own, different narrative about her life. And, it looks all too threatening.

Oh, the risk involved here! She may suffer the break up of a relationship if she is allowed to date! She may get hurt! In other words, life may happen to her! Oh God forbid it!

Let me tell you, this generation is not only an evil one it's a weak and silly one. We are frightened of everything. We don helmets when we ride bicycles, we throw on life vests when we ply the rivers and lakes in our boats. We don't let our children play outside these days without parental supervision because of our irrational fear of kidnapping. And, the list goes on and on.

We are likewise obsessed with creature comforts to the point that most of us are situationally unable to live in the the wild for any extended period of time. And, the vast majority of us walk no farther than 1 mile per week! We get in the car even to drive to the gym, one mile away, to exercise! Geez!

So, getting back to my point, life is scary and it's not fair. It's not meant to be safe and fair. Furthermore,  none of us are getting out of this thing alive! Do you really understand that? Do you?

If we truly understood the import of that conclusion we wouldn't be so attached to our material life. We would risk more, enjoy more and chill a bit. But, we don't because we have an obsessional or irrational fear of death. So, hey, there's no way I'm going to heed God's call for my life to be a missionary in the Middle East. It's too damned dangerous!

So, I'll just stay home here in my cozy little house in the city and drive to my safe secure job sitting in front of a computer screen buckled in by my seatbelt of course. Then, once I get off work I'll rush home so I can turn on the boob tube on and get myself something to eat and plop down for a full night of "Saved By The Bell" reruns.

That's not really living; but, hey, it's safe I'll grant you that. You won't ever be kidnapped by ISIS fighters to be sure. But, then again what have you risked for the Kingdom of God? Remember, Jesus commanded us to seek first the Kingdom of God...then all these things shall be added into you? And, those that seek to save their lives will lose their lives. Those that lose their lives "for my sake" will gain their lives.

Anyway, Amy and I are dating. Where this will end up at; I don't know. I'm in an autumnal romance and enjoying it immensely. My chronic aloneness has been greatly eased. And, as for Amy, she now has someone who cares deeply for her, who enjoys helping her and keeping her company. Is that so bad?

Well, that's it for today. Talk to you later.

BR Schoenbein
July 21, 2016- Thursday

Monday, July 18, 2016

Took Amy P Down To The ER Yet Again For Severe Ab Pain

Spent all last night and this early morning down at St Anthony's ER in Lakewood, CO with Amy P. She took too much ibuprofen for her TMJ pain and had severe abdominal pain because of it. Apparently, ibuprofen "tears" up your stomach as the doctor told us.

She is doing fine now resting comfortably. Thanks to Mike and June Horner who ran us down the Hill and stayed with us until Amy was out of danger.

I'm staying home today to watch over her while the Horners are working on their son's home remodeling project.

In other news: I have decided to wait until the early spring thaw to set out for the Pacific Northwest. It's just getting too late to negotiate the mountain passes in the Cascades. So, this will give me the needed time to train for this 1400 mile leg of my 2014 trek across America.

For my Colorado peeps...Calvary Church is putting on a summer concert at the Idaho Springs ballfields this Friday July 22nd. Should be a lot of fun worshipping outside next to the Canyon! Hope to see you all there!

Got some big news for everyone following my blog. Announcement to be made later this week in another post. Major development to be sure!

Please pray for Amy P who is trying to manage her chronic pain resulting from her TMJ and her fibroid tumors. It's almost debilitating at this point.

Joe Eaton, my erstwhile friend, confidant and HVAC man will be examining the "furnace" over at the Anglican Church in order to assess the need for a replacement or repair. Susan, the church administrator, says the furnace was installed during the Iron Age, so I'm thinking it needs to be replaced. We will need it to be in working condition for the upcoming winter months. My church, Calvary Idaho Springs, will...hopefully, be meeting there soon.

Lord willing, I will be preaching at Calvary Evergreen Church sometime in August so I'm preparing my sermon for that great opportunity.

Also, I'm hoping to speak at the Cursillo in Quincy IL in late September. Looking forward to getting back there again! Will stay with Jimmy Burns my good Irish friend from Unity Church. Expenses to be paid by a good friend who runs one of the Men's Groups at St Francis Catholic Church in Quincy.

Well, gotta go. Talk to you later this week! Peace to y'all!

BR Schoenbein
July 17, 2016- Monday

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Stay In Colorado Until Spring Or Leave Soon For The Pacific Northwest? That Is The Question.

I moved out of the Lucas House yesterday after 18 months of joyful living in that big old circa1872 Victorian replete with steep staircases, high ceilings, antique furniture and even a few spooks to go with it.

My stay in Idaho Springs, Colorado has been the longest so far in my trek westward across the US. I arrived here as a somewhat young 55 year old and now after only a year and half later I have turned into a curmudgeonly 56 year old geezer with a white beard and a noticeable stoop. I came here to this hamlet to create new relationships with townspeople and to assist the local churches in proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God.

I have accomplished all of that by getting to know many of the locals, volunteering where needed and finally becoming a church Pastor. My new church, Calvary Idaho Springs is struggling to attract parishioners; but, it's only a few weeks old and it being summer here in Colorado interest in church attendance is frustratingly low.

I'm having my own struggles now. I'm debating on whether to get back on the road and walk west to Seattle in the Pacific Northwest or stay here in Colorado until after winter when roads and trails are passable. If I left in the next week or two I believe it to be a reasonable proposition that I could cross the Cascades before the heavy winter snows. Of course, there's always the chance that injury, sickness, mistakes and general mishaps along the way could impede my progress so as to end up like the Donner Party in the Sierra Nevada in 1846 sans the cannibalism...unless of course I bring along a companion.

I'm writing this article while sitting on the shaded patio at the Horner House in Idaho Springs. The sky is a piercing indigo blue with not a few cumulus white clouds flitting about. Virginia Canyon, steep and high as it is scrapes the sky to the north is only a stone's throw away. It's a cool bright afternoon at 72 degrees with a refreshing wind out of the northwest.

Amy P has the day off from Beau Jos and is napping upstairs. Mike is working in the barn as is his usual custom while wife June is watching over their grandson, Hunter, in the front parlor.

The wind at 5 miles per hour with 10 mph gusts is coming off the canyon wall bringing with it the very noticeable and agreeable smell of piney trees and sage. The low growing lupines that carpet the rocky slopes on this hellaciously steep canyon wall perfume the air with their sweet musky fragrance.

It's summer time in the Rocky Mountains but my thoughts are running towards the now fast approaching winter. There is only one month up here where snow does not fall. July. Every other month it is possible to witness the advent of the flaky white stuff.

But, the first realistic chance for snow comes in September which is only a month and a half out. Like I mentioned previously I'm debating the issue of resuming my hike west now or waiting until the spring thaw.

I can stay here at the Horner House for as long as I want, so, there is no external pressure for me to advance westward to the Pacific Ocean. But, inwardly, I am getting quite ansy about putting Colorado in the rear view mirror. I'm getting that unmistakable feeling of wanting to bushwhack my way through the thick forests of the Wind River Range and the Cascades to at long last dip my feet in the icy cold waters off the town of Ocean Shores in Washington state.

My decision on all this remains undeveloped at the moment. But, time is running out. There is an additional wrinkle in all of this as well. I may be able to procure a hiking companion soon if I play my cards right! Hiking 1400 miles across three mountain ranges and through bear infested woodlands with a traveling buddy would definitely test my low threshold for frustration to be sure.

I do not want to reveal this hiking companion so as not to scare off the potential candidate for general mayhem, all around pain, bear attacks, malarial conditions, getting helplessly lost, dehydration, starvation and the like.

I may be at the cusp of a bit more adventure that I bargained for when I shuffled out of Illinois over two years ago, but, time will tell.

The photos depict the patio at the Horner House, Amy P holding Hunter, meadow grasses and flowers with a myriad of goldenrod and the 4th pic of the rear of the Horner House. The last pic is of yours truly.

For right now, I'm settling in at the Horners and grieving the loss of my old digs at the Lucas House. The next week or so will bring about a decision. So, until then...see ya!

BR Schoenbein
July 14, 2016- Thursday

Friday, July 8, 2016

Helping Amy P Find A Place To Rent

I've got my stuff all sorted and boxed, ready to move out to Mike and June Horner's home off Virginia St located one mile due east of the Lucas House. Move out hopefully will occur Saturday but planning to stay at the Lucas House until the 13th.

Amy P lost her lease and needs a place to stay. So, I borrowed Joe's truck and we spent the day looking for apartments in Denver and Aurora. But, alas, no luck. They are too expensive. But, the problem with Idaho Springs is that there is a severe shortage of housing . So, I spent the day today walking the streets looking for rental units of any and all kinds. Again, no luck. Amy will be sleeping on the streets if I can't find her a place soon!

In other news: meeting with Fr John Longcamp the Anglican priest from Dillon, CO who conducts Mass the second Sunday of each month at the Anglican Church located at Colorado Blvd and 13th Street in Idaho Springs. We plan on getting together tomorrow July 9 at the Frothy Cup Coffee Shop to discuss how our 2 congregations can cooperate in using this historic Anglican Church building. Pastor Craig Babcock and I took a tour of the church a couple of days ago to assess the feasibility of renting said building for our Sunday evening worship service.

Missed several meatloaf Wednesdays at the Blackwells due to the time I'm spending cleaning up and packing at the Lucas House. I will continue my attendance once I make the move to the Horner House.

I find myself getting itchy feet again wanting to get back on the road. I figure if I left real soon I could make it to the Pacific in 3-4 months right before Winter hits. But, I have the church to consider. It's in it's infancy and it needs it's Mama.

I asked Amy P if she wanted to join me on my anticipated walk to the Pacific...since she can't find a place to live. She'd be homeless no matter what anyway. Might as well walk across the country having the time of your life experiencing nature, testing yourself, camping out under the stars etc. She agreed! But, I think she's kidding.

Pics show me and Amy P on a hike, the Anglican Church and the Lucas House.

Who knows? Maybe Amy P and I will be hittin the road? We'll see!

BR Schoenbein
July 8, 2016- Friday