Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 183- Went up to Green Mountain

Went up to Green Mountain today
Got up at 5:30am and hiked to the train station a mile away at 6am.

Took over an hour to get to my stop 14 miles away at the Jefferson County Bldg in Golden, CO. After I de-trained I hiked up Rooney Road to the north side of Green Mtn.

That was a 3 mile hike. Then hiked the mountain for 3 hrs after which I hiked another 3 miles to Barnes and Noble. Worked on my sermon for 3 hrs then hiked 4 miles to my old house in Lakewood, CO.

Then, got something to eat. Will be getting on the train at the Lakewood-Wadsworth station then head to Auraria- West then hop on a C train to Littleton and home. It's another hike of 1 mile back home. Geeez.

Spent my time on the mountain praying, reading and walking(climbing). Hard day physically and otherwise.

Work tomorrow. 

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place and there prayed.

Mark 1:35

Second to last pic is my old home in Lakewood, CO. Mardell, the girls and lived here for 5 years or so.


  1. Beautiful! I love Colorado. My uncle lives in Evergreen, CO, which is West of Golden where his office was located. Enjoy!

  2. Michael: Evergreen is located just behind the mountain in the background of my pics. Love Evergreen and adjacient area. CO is very majestic and beautiful.
