Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 226 - Headed to the mountains in January

Tomorrow we are cutting a 70 foot spruce off of a cabin in Eldorado Springs. Need prayers for a safe day!

Mercy Bible Baptist Church and I agreed that I would spend the next few years traveling on foot through the small isolated mountain towns west of Denver as an itinerant evangelist.

I am in the process of arranging my living accommodations in Idaho Springs the first town I will hike to which is 30 some miles away.

I will be doing street preaching, setting up a Bible study and speaking to various church and town groups.

After 2-3 months then I will head to Georgetown and points west across the Divide, Lord willing.

The church will provide some money but of course not enough. Consequently, I am now asking for cash donations to help.

My send off will happen sometime the second week of January 2015. The church will officially commission me later this month.

Next Sunday, Dec 14 I will be preaching the sermon along with explaining my mission.

I will need your prayers greatly!

Pics are of the mountains and of the cabin in Eldorado Springs where we (Nelson Tree Service) will be working tomorrow


  1. Hey Michael:

    You can send donations payable to Mercy Bible Baptist Church at 3885 S. Broadway Englewood, CO 80113.

    Thanks again Michael! Your help is very much appreciated! And, all of the monry goes directly to me.

    Trust all is well with you and your family!
