Sunday, June 28, 2015

Last full day at the Lucas House

ItI'm spending my last full day at the Lucas House on Colorado Blvd. It's been a little over 5 months since I moved in here. Despite the lack of floors, walls, hot running water and only partial electrical service this house eventually became a home.

Getting my things ready to move out onto the streets as I have no sure commitment as of today for a new place. Waiting for Bruce Bell to come back from being out of town to see if his offer to camp on his mountain still available. We can always go back to Bill Lee's ranch in Spring Gulch too. So, I'm not without options.

Met with Pastor Bill Robertson and his wife, Mary, this afternoon at 2 Brothers Deli where he generously bought lunch. The Robertsons may be able to let me stay short term at their home. Additionally, we discussed my efforts to found house churches up at York Gulch.

I am reconsidering my entire Colorado mission due to the current situation. I may even travel to Minnesota to do mission work where my step daughter lives so I can be closer to her. Of course, I would have to get her mother's blessing first.

I am at a crossroads here. Is this current situation a mere obstacle to overcome or is God telling me not in so many words to move on? That is the question.

Glenda Watson owner of the coffee shop has offered her home in Lone Tree to me and has also offered the use of the coffee shop itself for overnight stays. She has been such an enthusiastic supporter of my mission here in Idaho Springs.

Allen has to work tomorrow so he can't help me move my stuff. Plus, I don't know yet where I am staying.

Oh well! Marge, Rich and Jeremy Nelson are coming up from Denver this afternoon bringing supper for Allen and me. I look forward to visiting with my oldest Colorado friends!

Yellow roses blooming on Colorado Blvd. See pics below.

Until next time, God's Grace and Shalom to you all!

BR Schoenbein
Allen Yates
June 28, 2015- Sunday


  1. BR:

    We will keep praying for you! I know, I wish all could have a burning bush to tell us what to do. I am frustrated by that, too. It is Mike's way or God's way? Hard to tell sometimes. But, I think you just need to take some time alone with God to pray, and come to some peace in your heart with your decision regardless of what the facts and circumstances may dictate. I wish I could be of more help.

    1. have been a huge help to me. I took your advice regarding prayer and being alone with God and it all worked out. The Blackwells landlords asked me to stay on! All is well again!

      Like the burning bush symbolism!

      Take care and thanks again for your wise advice!

