Saturday, August 29, 2015

Rafters On Cabin Now In Place

Got the rafters in place now. Also continued wall installation today. The cabin is now really looking like a cabin!

Looking forward to an icy cold bath when I get home after walking 8 miles to Bell Mountain there and back.

Cathie McCormack staying tonight again and then its off to the west as she continues her bike trek across America. I will be cooking her supper when I get home.

Tomorrow all of the churches in Idaho Springs are having a joint ecumenical service. There's a bit of controversy regarding this one however. The newly installed Lutheran Pastor is a transgender a female who became a male. I maybe attending the service; but, I doubt First Baptist will attend nor will Clear Creek Neighborhood Church attend.

I believe some from the United Church will be in attendance. Sexual identity is a tricky issue made even trickier when it involves a church Pastor. Stay tuned.

Well, I need to go over my lines and practice a bit for the Melodrama when I get home. Grace and peace to y'all.

BR Schoenbein

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