Saturday, July 19, 2014

In charge today st the Columbia Farmers Market

Mark and Susie are out if town today so I'm in charge at the farmers market. Had to drive the huge cargo van with the freezer and grill from the cold storage over to the market.

Still sick but doing much better least enough to do my job. Goes to noon. Then have to tear down and transport everything back to cold storage 6 miles away. Then back to the ranch.


  1. That's Hashem Omari, Beth, Chef Steve and myself. Forgot to get a pic of Graham. He's 14 going on 45! He is the smartest and mist ambitious kid of 14 I have ever met. He came up with the idea of hand juicing lemons to make real lemonade and almost sells as much of that as we do the beef! Hashem is also very talented and is in charge of the grill. He ranked I think 9th in the nation in wrestling at his weight level! He is half Jordanian. Anywsy I believe I have one note Columbia farmers market a week from today and then I'm off to Omaha! And back on the road! Aw the life of a nomad!

  2. Mahnken Beef is Awesome! Thanks for packaging it so well:). Xoxoxox
