Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 126- Took Light Rail to Fireside

Continuing my work on my prospective e- book's outline at Fireside. Perusing the Bible and Shakespeare for inspiration first. Came across one of Bill's sonnets # III.

"...So thou through windows of thine age shalt see,

Despite of wrinkles, thus thy golden time. But if thou live, remember'd not to be,

Die single, and thine image dies with thee. "

These are my golden days "despite of wrinkles" walking the length and width of our nation for the next three years, Lord willing,  meeting people young and old.

I am grateful to the One who leads and sustains me despite all the impediments I have encountered on the first leg of my journey to the Pacific. I have everything I could possibly want physically AND spiritually! I need nothing more. As the Spirit exhorted the mountains to shout for joy and the trees of the field to clap their hands so do I.

We are made in God's image and His image will never fade even though we who are imperfect resemblances of the great I AM are appointed once to die. We will carry His image into the age to come where all things will be renewed and restored from the youth of Adam to the everlasting Kingdom of the Ancient One.

Pics are of the City of Littleton Municipal Courthouse and the Littleton train station.

Two last pics show trees of the field while clapping and the mountains shouting for joy as the scarlet sun sets behind them.