Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 45- In Salisbury MO

Arrived in Salisbury MO. Staying at Mark and Susie Manhkens cattle ranch. Their business is Legacy Beef. They produce a high quality beef with very high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids which is heart healthy.

The Salisbury Steak Festival is going on this weekend and the Mahnkens are very involved with that.  They sell their beef products at a farmers market in Columbia MO as well.

Tomorrow I will either stay here at the ranch and get a birds eye view of the operation or go with Mark to make deliveries in Columbia.

Susie and I discussed our respective cultural heritage as well as our parents and their backgrounds. Her father was a WWII fighter/bomber pilot. Mark's father flew with The Flying Tigers in Burma in WWII. Fascinating stuff!!

Goodnight one and all. See you tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don't rise!


  1. Hey, there's that white pickup truck you've been driving around, making us think you're actually walking across America. Come on BR! Come clean!

  2. Haha! That darned car of mine! Gonna have to use a different pic!
