Saturday, June 7, 2014

End of Day 41- Getting itchy feet

As much as I love staying with Lois and Mike I realize I have miles to go before I sleep (Robt Frost). Getting the itch to move on towards Kansas City to see my son Josh!

I will probably leave Paris in the coming week unless I can schedule an additional presentation at the First Christian Church for the following Sunday. If I cannot I will leave during the week.

I have been in Paris for 12 days more or less. But I don't regret it one bit. Meeting Lois and Mike Davis was a true God thing! My spirits were bolstered, my feet have healed and my heart made wider. I truly have been re-invigorated. Lois and I have explored our various childhood and other issues including our need to forgive and be forgiven and how to cope with loss. We have decided that this life is one big schoolroom, God is our schoolmaster and we are here to learn and be tested for the coming age. We are not here however to ask..."why"? We are here to proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand!

Cheryl Bright has taught me to reveal my feelings especially in my blog postings. She has been a very helpful critic! She has exposed me to certain strategies in dealing with past issues and she proved to be an invaluable teacher!

George Bright, Cheryl's husband, showed me what real work is. He manages thousands of farm acreage along with his sons Jordan and Joshua. These three guys are some of the most ambitious and hard working people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting!

I tip my hat to Sue Mattingly the Paris librarian. She made her library available to me when I needed to write my articles and she provided a forum for my presentation to the ladies Coffee Club.

I salute David Eales the Editor and Publisher of the Monroe County Appeal who made his office available to me and who showed me great hospitality by taking me out to dinner and for arranging my camp out at the Fairgrounds. I also acknowledge Mary Brown from Grandma's Attic who first introduced me to Dave Eales.

Thank you Regina at the First Baptist Church for connecting me to Lois Davis! You did me such a great favor! Thanks too for your generous contribution. Also, thank you Pastor Wes Hammond for taking an interest in my quest to become a true disciple of Christ.

Tomorrow I will attend church at First Baptist then following that a fundraiser for the fire department at the fairgrounds.

Good night one and all!!


  1. It's good to hear from you again brother! And good to hear that God is teaching you some good things through HIs people. We all need to be stretched and set apart for His purposes... continually made more like Christ. It takes a lifetime. Blessings to you.

  2. Scott: you are right. I'm being stretched daily by my interactions with so many different people. Life is all about learning and ultimately testing! Thanks Scott for your continued support for my journey. Its good to know someone back home is taking an interest!!!
