Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 56- Planning. Hitting the road- yes Ole Rt 24 tomorrow!

Spent the morning mapping my route all the way through Kansas and into Colorado. Not sure of the CO portion of my walk. Will defer that decision to another day.

Will need to call churches in Wellington and Buckner MO for overnight accommodations. Advised my son Josh of my tentative ETA of Thursday June 26th.

Need to reconfigure backpack and do laundry. Storms last night did minor damage but destroyed the trampoline.

No losses to the herd.

Cool but humid currently.

Stayed up and talked with Mark till 130am! Great conversation! Will continue today as well.


  1. Praying for safe travels and great weather as you get ever so close to son, Joshua's house! Again, thank you so much to The Mahnken Family for their warm/loving hospitality shown to you! God Bless Them!

  2. Thanks for your support Marty!!
