Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 53- Leaving Carrollton and Carrollton Inn

Leaving Carrollton for undetermined amount of time possibly 5 days or so to recuperate from heat exhaustion at the Mahnken Ranch. It was a tad bit worse than I thought. Still suffering effects. Then after I have recuperated will have Mark drop me off at Carrollton to resume my walk.


  1. Thanks to the Mahnken family for taking such good care of you BR. I hope you can recover a bit before starting back up. I'm a little surprised you didn't decide to stay in that motel awhile longer. They might've let you stay in return for your help slapping a little paint on the place.

  2. Scott: Haha! This motel looks vacant and abandoned! Scary. But the owner was real nice. The Mahnkens are salt of the earth people!
