Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 57- In Kansas City!

I walked approx 10 miles day. Josh picked me up in Wellington. He lives in KC. Took me to the International House of Prayer where I am at currently. They have a prayer room with worship music and prayer 24/7. Its refreshing!

The scripture reading is Psalm 103.

Psalm 103:15,16:

The life of mortals is like grass
They flourish like a flower of
The field. The wind blows over it
And it is gone,
And its place remembers it no more.

Looking at theses photos illustrates the use of grass and flowers as a metaphor depicting our short lives. The brevity and the miracle that is life. How can we being only mortal be proud? We are but a vapor which is here one moment and then vanishes the next moment.

The grass that is here in the morning and mowed down by the afternoon. God gave us this one life. What shall we do with it??? That is the question!

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