Saturday, June 14, 2014

Tearing down - Missouri Legacy Beef

Its 1pm. Farmers market had been closed for an hour now but we are still tearing down the tents organizing stuff and cleaning up.

It was a blockbuster day for sales!


  1. Hi Bruce! Its me, your Mother:). How are you doing? Love reading your column. Uncle Karl and Merilee give me copies every week. Been pretty busy w yard work, canning, gardening. Please be careful and keep the post coming. Love, Mom

  2. Hi mom. Glad u like my column. Its difficult coming up with ideas and then finding a computer to type it up and email it. So I'm doing several articles at a time. Anyway glad to hear your busy. Try to be careful not take too many chances. I try to post at least once every day. Alrighty talk to u later!
