Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 58- Special thanks to the Mahnkens

I am now in Kansas City at my son's home. Finally. Josh and I went out to eat and then he had to work at the House of Prayer. I stayed in the Global Prayer Room until he got off work.

Anyway...I just want to thank Mark and Susie Mahnken for all they did for me...a stranger!

They took me in and cared for me in true hospitality style. We prayed and even worked together. When they found out I was suffering from heat exhaustion they once again offered me their home. Then they traveled an hour one way to pick me up.

Whenever I needed something they bought it for me. They treated me as an honored guest and a brother in Christ.

Then Mark drove me to where I needed to be dropped off at and handed me money for the trip.

I was getting real low on funds so Marks benevolence really helped out!

And he and Susie told me if I ever need help they will come and get me! They are now family to me.

Mark and I have really great conversations which I am going to miss.

So long Mark and Susie. Again congrats on your new grandson! Congrats to son Blake and his wife!

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