Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 34- Sunday at First Baptist Church Paris MO

Lois and I drove to church this morning where I made my presentation to the adult Sunday School class. They asked a lot of questions so it took the entire hour.

Then attended services; afterward, there was a church dinner where again the church had the opportunity to hear my story and ask questions. It very well received.

Then George and Cheryl Bright wanted to take me to their home outside of Paris. They farm several farms in the area plus own other businesses. Then to took me to dinner at the 15 Diner. Their son Josh came as well. George began making calls to people along Rt 24 who he knew about accommodations. He was able to set me up in several towns. I then decided to stay in Paris a while longer because it seems there is more to do here. Lois is good with that. Plus George and Cheryl offered me his home as well.

So Paris you are stuck with me still!!


  1. Praise God and Praise All the wonderful People of Paris, IL! To the Bright Family,Thank You SO much for your generosity, your love/kindness extended to my Brother! May God Bless You All!
