Monday, June 2, 2014

End of Day 36- Final thoughts

Experienced a quiet and unassuming day at the Davis residence in Paris MO. Enjoyed spending a good part of the day talking with Mike Davis.

Lois and I talked of all of the strangers who have come and gone from her place. She has quartered many people for sundry reasons over the years in her ample home. She has lost contact with most of them but enjoys reminiscing.

Did simple things like make oatmeal for our breakfast and did a load of laundry. Deliberate simple things.

Pastor Wes Hammond who incidentally is the President of the Missouri Baptist Convention came over and we discussed the topic of discipleship in the context of Isaiah 35:8 which I will give you leave to look that verse up and study it for yourself.

Today represents the fifth day of my stay in Paris. My feet have healed sufficiently and I am preparing for the next leg of my trip. I have yet to decide on a particular departure date.

I will be visiting the other churches tomorrow morning to discuss with their pastors speaking engagements/presentations. Afterward, I will be meeting with Cheryl and George Bright to discuss my trip and how they can assist the effort. I would also like to stop in the offices of the Monroe County Appeal and discuss things with Editor Eales

I have an invitation with a beef rancher in Salisbury MO to stay overnight which was arranged via the Bright family. Thus, I may have George and Cheryl Bright drive me there which will help me keep on schedule. This of course means I would skip Madison and Moberly MO. I am trying to reach Denver before the end of summer. Paris will be my last long stop before heading to Kansas City MO to stay for a couple days with my son Josh.

I believe it was expedient to extend my stay here in Paris to heal up and to get in front of more people. The interest people show when I discuss my trip is incredible. They have so many great questions for me after I make my presentation.

There is quite simply a real felt need for people to simplify their life, to get closer to God and to become more than just a believer but a disciple who is ready to deny themselves pick up their cross daily and follow Him.

Amen and goodnight!


  1. As we All should do...pick up 'Our' crosses daily and walk with him! Brother, You are my 'Hero', my 'Mentor':)

  2. Picking up your cross daily I think means metaphorically dying to yourself and to your particular needs and wants to be so focused on doing the will of God that you lose yourself. The Cross meant death both physical and spiritual to Christ. It could possibly mean physical death for us in the future but today it means...I think...death of our egos...our desires. As the Lord said those that lose their life will gain their life. Those that cling to their life will lose their life. I am attempting to lose my life in Him. I have never done that before. After 38 years of claiming to be born again I am taking baby steps. Thanks Marty for your complete support of my trip! Love you much!
