Friday, May 30, 2014

Cellulitis raises its ugly head (foot) again

I had cellulitis 8 months ago which infects the skin. It can develope rapidly into flesh eating bacteria if not treated.

I think I have it again. Very fatigued. Red rash on left foot. Swollen left foot. I had a fever and cold shakes all last night. Today its fatigue.

I stayed overnight in the home of Lois Davis in Paris. I was leaving today but didn't feel well enough to hike 12 miles into Madison. I was going to leave tomorrow but won't now. Plus Lois needs someone to help her around the house and I volunteered. So I will see what tomorrow will bring.


  1. don't look good, buddy...elevate them..oops I wasn't going to give you any more advice, was I? :)

  2. ouch! looks like a good day not to walk 12 miles! thankful you can help Lois around the house.

  3. Teresa and Twyla: feet are now fine and ready to walk. Thanks!
