Thursday, May 22, 2014

My bedroom at the Haerrs

Arrived at the Haerr's just now at 5pm. Beautiful large home. Peg and her husband run a grain and livestock operation here in Taylor.

Took a shower and got a change of clothes. Walked thru a driving rain to get here. Completely soaked! The shower was wonderful!


  1. Hi Bruce,
    Arlen & I continue to follow your trek West. Checking your blog daily and praying for your safety.
    It's a small world. We've enjoyed many special times in Taylor. Shon's dad is my cousin! Norman's mother, Lena, was one of my dad's 17 siblings. Thank you, Shon & Peg, for hosting Bruce overnight and helping prepare him for the next leg of his journey.
    God bless your time together.
    Arlen & Teresa

  2. Hey Teresa! Thanks for your comment. I showed Peg your comment. The connections like yours are so cool. I felt like I knew everybody here because they asked if knew you. We discussed how you are related. I had no idea how connected Taylor and Morton are. Felt like I was home! If nothing else this trip has brought me so many new friends and reconnection with old friends who I haven't had contact with for years even decades! I can say already after day 26 this journey is a success! And thanks to you Arlen for reading the blog! Appreciate the both of you so much!
