Sunday, May 25, 2014

Overview of past few days

Staying at the Haerr's and Sutters were the highlights of the past few days in Missouri. When leaving the Sutters yesterday they stepped out of the house on the porch to say goodbye. Then they handed me something and it turned out to be money for my trip. Thanked Caleb, Mercedes and Riley for everything and the money.

I am so grateful to God for putting these wonderful people in my path across the country! God's promise to provide of course proves to be true and now predictable. My level of trusting the Lord is increasing while my anxiety for the necessities is vastly decreasing.

I do realize there will be days when the Lord will test my trust and resolve. Hopefully I will pass these tests. I am beginning to think that this life is supposed to be for training and education for the next life. So its of matter of how we react to the vicssitudes of life.

So when something tragic happens to you or your loved ones remember you have essentially two choices: either you can become bitter and rebel against God blaming him or you recognize that you are being tested and you can draw closer to God. Its all in our control as to how we react to bad things.


  1. Amen Brother! Could not have said it better:). We should all take heed to that! Safe travels and may God continue to be your strength, Yr provider! Xoxoxox:)

  2. Thanx Marty! Appreciate your love and support!!
