Friday, May 9, 2014

Day 11- Faith Christian Family Church

Reached Faith Christian Family Church 3 miles west of Rushville on my way to Mt Sterling.  I attended church here Wednesday evening. Church is pastored by Gary Cruzand and Brandon Thompson. Gary's uncle is Mr Tucker who taught math for many years at Morton High School. Gary spent his first 14 years growing up in Morton.

Kevin Miller from church invited me to his home in nearby Beardstown for the last two nights.

Going to drop in and say goodbye to the staff here.

Kevin's hospitality is probably at least partially reflective of the love people in this fellowship have for the Lord and for their neighbor.


  1. It is a small world that you meet someone that went to Morton school. You seem to be eating pretty well. You could have fed a whole army. You seem to be eating TOO good :) You look good. I saw the picture of you.
    Typed by my helpful granddaughter Jordan.

    1. Hey mom: I suspect the food buffet to end soon then back to cold oatmeal.

      Trust all is well back home.
