Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 14--Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers especially mine, Lydia Weigelmann Schoenbein. Also special mention goes out to Lisa Quigley mother of my three children and Mardell Grider mother of my three former step children. I tip my hat to my three sisters and one sister in law, Lil, Marty,Susan, Kathy. Where would we be without the love of our mothers?

I would like to acknowledge the mothers I have met on this pilgrimage with two in particular, Monica Thompson from Quincy who raised four beautiful daughters and one good looking son and Kristine Bickhaus of Fowler, IL who is raising three beautiful daughters and three very active sons.

Oh, lest we forget our grandmothers! Mine are long gone now but I remember well their love for me.

Have a great day!

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