Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 17-Update

Stuck in Quincy writing my second column for the Morton Times. When I say stuck I mean in a good way.

Getting to know these people in Quincy. They are an eclectic bunch that's for sure. Monica the holistic practitioner performs Native American ceremonies/rituals, and Bill is a locally known healer and Cathy Raymond is the administrator for the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. All giving people who exemplify loving your neighbor as yourself.

I have now spent one week here in Quincy and loving it. Its going to be difficult to leave but we all have agreed to stay in contact after I leave.

Tomorrow we may be driving out of town to look at a 350 year old Burr Oak that is so wide it takes 17 people to cover the circumference/diameter! The owner has a farm museum on site as well.

May be headed to Cahokia Mounds down in southern Illinois for the weekend to do some sightseeing with Monica.

Figure I will be back on the road by Tuesday. Monica is driving me over the bridge since its off limits to pedestrians.

Peg Haerr formerly Hunziker of Taylor called me to invite me to her home to stay overnight. Monica's daughter, Mercedes Sutter, from Palmyra has offered her home as well. Both Peg and Monica are members of the Apostolic Christian Church in Taylor, MO. Peg was originally from the Morton Apostolic Church as I was.

Although I have enjoyed my stay in Quincy very much it will be good to hit the road and see what's in store for me around the bend!


  1. and the world gets smaller and smaller...:) enjoy your time there!!

  2. Sweet! Mom is here visiting and she just read this entry! She is wondering how your feet, blisters are?

    1. Blisters are healed so new ones can take their place next week!!
