Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1, 2014

I was an insurance adjuster for many years and this barn had hail damage on the roof back in the 90s. I remember adjusting the claim. Rainwater intruded inside so I went inside to assess the damage. This barn has a beautiful wood staircase going to the second floor. They use to have square dances upstairs back in the 20s and 30s according to the owner. Fulton County was my territory when I was with State Farm. The countryside was dotted with many Native American villages centuries ago. And its still wild today.


  1. Wow! Amazing! You know YOU are on the right path! God is GREAT:). Love you:)

    1. Hey Marty everything going well so far. My body has never been so painful or stiff! Yikes. Scary not knowing where I am going to sleep at night. But it is working out somehow. See you.

  2. Hi Bruce,
    We (Tom and I) saw Scott Witzig's post about your journey on FB. Sounds interesting and crazy! I think I recognize this barn from when I took the boys looking for snakes at Banner Marsh.
    Carla Knobloch Schafer

  3. Wow! What s great mother you are taking your boys out looking for snakes!!! That is so cool, Carla. That barn is just opposite Banner Marsh so it must be the same one. No other barns in that locale. This trip is kinda crazy but that's me! Its only been 4 days and gettingva great reception everywhere I go. Even witnessing to people I am coming into contact with. Should have done this years ago! Trust all is well with you and your family. Tell Tom I said hello. Thanks for your comment Carla. Be well.
