Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014-Saturday AM

Awakened suddenly at 2:07am by very loud and very close coyote barking/yipping. Came from all directions. This time it was spooky. Can't sleep. Plus it has been very cold and windy. Shivering all night. Very dark behind the church and next to a corn field and nearby woods. All the dogs at nearby farms are now barking reacting to these coyotes. Will be up the rest of the morning anxiously awaiting the warm sun.


  1. Replies
    1. That's comforting!!! Haha. But so appropriate!

  2. my last entry in my journal yesterday was..
    faith is--when walking "through the dark" with God, only asking Him to hold to hold my hand more tightly...blessings on your day!

    1. Wow are every bit tuned into the Lord as you were back in the 70s when you used to give me such words of wisdom and comfort. Thank you.
