Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4, 2014--Sunday AM

Went to church this morning. First attended Sunday school at 930am, where the facilitator Dave, asked me to speak to the class as to what I'm doing and more importantly why I am doing this walk. Told them that I wanted first and foremost to re-dedicate my life to God to seek Him and His Kingdom kicking away all my crutches, my work, my family/friends place to live...everything that I held onto to tightly and rest upon God' provision. Trust Him and Him only.

The class was very encouraging and the people receptive. Their ongoing topic has to do with discipleship. Explained that it was easier for me to be
a believer but not a disciple. Now, I am denying myself and picking up my cross and following Him! I no longer want to cling to my life but to let go...

Mike Motsinger, a member of the class took me out for lunch then offered me his home tonight! He is a self employed carpenter and has very long flowing hair. Looks like those 14th century paintings of Christ. He told me they use him in plays to play the Lord. Lol. He also is in charge of the puppet ministry and is very involved in the church.

Mike had a family function in Canton so he dropped me off at my campsite and promised to pick me up around 5pm. In the meantime, Dave from Sunday school came back to the church to go jogging with some of the guys from church. So I joined them as they walked over to the fairgrounds. I then walked over to the DQ to post to my blog. Dave will pick me at 630pm tonight to take me to a Sunday night class for men. Afterwards, I will stay at Mike' s house for the night. Then off to Astoria in the morning. I am truly going to miss these brothers from Lewistown, Illinois.

Mike told me I just might stay in one of these towns and not even complete my trip. Told him that was not likely...but if I were to do so Lewistown would be it!

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