Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4, Sunday--Evening

Struck camp and attended men's Sunday night class with Dave LeGrande, Jeremy Watson and Dana Schrock. I have been to many different men's classes in my time but none come close to this experience.  We set out a chair and envision that Jesus is actually sitting there. Then one by one we took turns talking to Jesus about what He had done in our lives the past week. Told the Lord that He was chipping away at my lack of trust and dependence on Him. Dana talked about some things he was convicted of and that my showing up here and the story I had coincided with things in his life. Then we looked at the book of Luke...which I had been studying the last four months. Luke 18:24-30. Briefly, these verses talk about Peter telling Jesus that he had left his family and his job along with his home to follow Him. The Lord responded by saying that those who do so for His sake will be blessed in this age and in the coming age. And here I am a man who left all to seek Him and His will by walking across our country!!! We were all struck with how fortuitous it is my being here at this particular time and with this particular fellowship!

I can't tell you how close I feel to these christian men! It seems I have known them all my life...and its because Christ is in them and that's who I know and that's who I see in them! 

Afterward they took me to the DQ for supper. Tony one of the church members owns the DQ.  Dave bought our supper. Dave then handed me $150 for my trip!!! Again God provided! Awesome indeed!

While we were eating, Sheldon Westerfield the Pastor of His River Of Life Church in Liverpool joined us along with his wife.  He just bought a church building in Liverpool.  After talking a while Pastor Sheldon turned to me and gave me a prophetic word and told me the message he was getting from the Lord was that I needed to forgive myself. Well, that just floored me since I have a problem with forgiveness in general...but also I have a long running problem specific to my past where I have yet to forgive myself. Right then I felt the past melting away freeing me.

I told everyone tonight there is no other place I would rather be than right here right now with these people!

What a journey this has been already!

Well, looks like Mike went to bed. I took a nice shower and drank some orange juice. Mike gets up at 4am to talk to Jesus before he starts his day as a carpenter. I will be waking up with him.  All these men get up early to start their day with the Lord.  These are some serious believers.

Well, that's all I have to say tonight. Good night and see you on the trail tomorrow!! Its on to Astoria!!


  1. Wow! Speechless! My heart is rejoicing for You, Brother and many "Thanks" to the "Wonderful "people of Lewistown! God bless them ALL!
    As always, Thanks be to God!
    Sleep well my sweet Brother. Xoxoxox!

    1. Hey Marty you would love these people and this church! Absolutely!

  2. That's really cool Bruce. God uses others sometimes to speak "...the truth in love" into our lives. I hope you can forgive yourself for the past. Christ's sacrifice was, and is sufficient to cover any of our sins. It's a little easier to forgive ourselves if we can grasp this concept. It's simple... but it's not easy. I know this from personal experience. I hope your steps are just a little bit lighter today as you walk to Astoria and reflect on what God has taught you this weekend. Awesome!!

    1. How does one know one has forgiven oneself? I thought I had but not so sure these days. I know I have been forgiven by the Lord and your His sacrifice is sufficient. That should be enough.

    2. Meant to say His sacrifice

    3. I to had to deal with big time forgiveness from my past. I was once told that forgiving without forgetting it's just an excuse not to forgive.I didn't understand it until I had forgiven that person. Now I can live just like it had never happened to me! I begin the journey forgiveness by praying for the person I couldn't forgive and asking God to heap blessings upon that individual. I prayed it everyday until I prayed it and really meant it. I really enjoyed spending time with you Br, I will be praying for you on your journey of forgiveness and you're incredible journey of walking with Jesus without any crutches.blessings my friend and meet with Jesus each morning talk to him because he is sitting and walking with you each day. :-)

  3. Thank you Pastor Randy. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you and the people of your church. All of you inspired me and made feel a part of your fellowship. I thank you for your observations on forgiveness. I will take it to heart that you can be sure of. Blessings to you, Lori and Kenneth!
