Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014--Monday AM

Isabel Church 7 miles west of Lewiston 11 miles east of Astoria. 10am worship...guess they don't need a second worship hour. This is my kind of old country church probably going back to the mid 1800s. And best thing is it has an outhouse!

This church represents to me an America of the past and not just literally but figuratively as well. Times were less complicated--men, women and children all knew what their roles were in life. They knew what was expected of them and they had the familial structure and discipline this country of ours needs today. Nestled here among the corn fields and the prairie this church sits quietly while
I give ear to the gentle winds blowing through the top of maple trees. If I sit silently... I can almost hear Lincoln and Douglas speaking of a house divided...much like our house today is divided. The Republic which we once loved and which was once the shining light on top of the hill beckoning out to the world is long gone.


  1. You have a nice camera on that phone!!

    1. Wish you AND your camera were here. So beautiful here boy!
