Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014--10:54AM

Twyla Schlipf---you did it again! Thanks to you I have a place to stay the night in Astoria! Your friend, Deb Hodel, called me a few minutes ago and advised that her daughter Trish Banwart lives right on Broadway in town. Deb told me she would have Trish call me. Sure enough Trish called and invited me over for supper and I could stay the night!

I asked Trish for the address and then she told me her husband is a Banwart. Told her my former mother in law was was Banwart. Trish asked from where was she. Told her West Bend, IA. That's where Trish's husband is from.

Then I told her that when I came into town I noticed the Banwart name on the mailbox and wondered how a Banwart ended up in Astoria. Told her I remember people in her driveway. Her husband details cars.  So, around 4pm I will head over.


  1. moves me to tears of thankfulness! I knew God had it all under control, but just wasn't sure how..so thanks Tricia and Doug for once again opening your home to those traveling through..and Deb for being the messenger! It is humbling to see how God's Spirit flows through one heart to the other..bringing this big world down small enough so we can see Him through it..God bless you all...love and continued prayers..

    1. Twyla you have a true mothers heart!!! I so appreciate Trish and Doug taking a total stranger in like this!!! I look forward to an evening of good christian fellowship!
