Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014---12:37

Swung the backpack on and hung the paratrooper bag around my neck and shuffled on down to the dairy dipper. Ordered a cheeseburger fries and a Pepsi. A group of guys were huddled around while I was eavesdropping on them. Heard one of the men mention walking and how he couldn't walk down his drive way maybe because of arthritis?

I then chimed in to inform this group of Astorians that I was I walking   across the US.  Oh, you're that guy that came into town yesterday. Yep that's me.  Turns out that one off for the men was the pastor of the Methodist Church and the other a former long time mayor of Astoria. He talked about he expanded the water district and upgraded much of the towns infrastructure.

I then chided the Pastor about not being available for me when I called several times yesterday to see if I could pitch my tent in their yard. He told it's such a small town where everybody knows everybody. They know our cell numbers. Yeah but wait, what about hobos and vagrants like me...

In any case the ex-mayor, Barry Beck took my food bill when he was finished and paid for it!

Well, its getting close to supper time! And you know how well ACs cook!!!

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