Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014--5:31 AM

Well, ended up sleeping in the gazebo in the park on the square in Astoria. I called the Astoria Police but just got voicemail. Left message with all my particulars and that an officer should come out to the park to discuss this with me. Left 2 messages no return calls from the PD. At about 2AM an officer wakes me up. Told me someone called to to say that someone was in the park late at night. Explained my story. He asked for ID. Ran it through their database and said all was fine. He told me I could stay.

I did not set the tent up due to the wind. Just wrapped my sleeping bag around me and laid down on the cold concrete floor. It was the coldest night for me...winds whipping around 20 mph! No sleep. Now I'm hanging out at the Post Office cause its warm.

None of the churches I called during the day on my way to Astoria returned my calls. However, Twyla Schlipf from Gridley, an old friend who has been reading my blog called her daughters friend who happens to live off Rt 24 by Astoria. However, that fell through.

Thanks anyway Twyla!!

Don't think I can walk another 18 miles with the bottom of my left foot tore up by those sharp rocks in the shoulder.

Think I will keep trying to contact those churches today to arrange tonight's accommodations.

So this is what's its like to be homeless.

The Morton Paper sent me a msg that they would like to a story.

Anyway waiting for gas station to open.


  1. Praying for a better day today for you! Thankful you have this blog to go back and read to remember how God has brought you so far...:) Sorry I couldn't help you...I helped all the other people on park benches all night..in my fitfull dreams. :D

    1. Haha. That's good. Maybe I will have more success today. Can't hike today left foot too tore up. Maybe yr friend could provide a place for me tonite??
