Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More interior photos interior of Wood Mansion


  1. Note that Woods bed is short. That was because many people back in the 19th century slept sitting up in bed as it was thought that was a healthier posture for sleeping.

  2. who knew...I just thought people were shorter back then. I think I could move right in to one of these houses...they are so cool! Good article in the Morton News by the way. blessings!!

    1. I think people were shorter back then too. I could move right until I got the first utility bill! Thanks for the kind words re the article. Doing one every week until it gets stale!

    2. The mansion was built in 1835 and at some point in time indoor plumbing and a bathroom was installed with tub and toilet as you cans see from the pic.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.
