Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ivan Smith of Rushville

Mr. Smith is 80 year old demolition contractor who suffered a horrible accident 6 years ago when he was working on a big truck. The truck rolled over him tearing off his left leg, broke both legs,arms, jaw, nose, crushed jaw, eye popped out losing sight in that left eye! He was in a coma for months and in the hospital for 1 year. 2 million dollars later he left the hospital. Doctors told him he would never walk again. He proved them liars! He lost his first wife then the second one left him. He's a member of a church with no name. Some people call them the 2 by 2 church because their unpaid ministers are itinerant circuit preachers who go town to town in twos. The church was modeled off of the first century church found in the Book of Acts.

Very interesting and unusual man...he is just one of the many I have interviewed especially about politics and religion. He believes the country has been lost. Too much corruption. He hasn't been involved in his church for quite some time as he feels burned out doing good works.

With a handshake and a smile we parted ways.


  1. no doubt you had a spring your step after meeting him...kinda looks like he needs some 'joy" too!! blessings!

    1. No more whining for me after meeting Ivan! That's for sure.
