Thursday, May 8, 2014

Kevin Miller my new friend from Beardstown who I met at Faith Christian Church last night

Kevin Miller age 48, made this huge breakfast this morning. I slept on Kevin's couch last night. He owns his own machine shop doing general repairs. The shop is located in Beardstown.

When I got into Rushville Pastor Brandon Thompson of Faith Christian picked me up at the Hardees and took me to church services where he introduced me to the congregation. 

Originally I was going to pitch my tent on the church's acreage but Kevin offered his couch. He then took me out to the DQ in Rushville where we met up with his mom and dad, brother and Lisabeth and her son. Lisabeth immigrated to the US from Denmark. We all ate a late supper together. Talked about life in Denmark vs life in America. Lisabeth told me she loves living in rural America. She says Americans are nicer to each other than the Danes are.


  1. Good job, Bruce, maybe you'll become a household name. You're a little past a week into the trek; how you holdin' up? The passion still strong? Your stories of the town folk are heartwarming; what a country we have! Do you have shorts to wear on the hot days? I'm pulling for you man, keep it up!

  2. Hey Brett: holding up very well. Absolutely sure I was supposed to go on this trip! You are right--our nation and its people are great but our government is not worthy of us! People are so generous and kind. I am so amazed! Thanks for commenting Brett!

  3. Don't about me being a household name but it wouldn't hurt if I wanted to write a book about this adventure. Know what I mean?? Haha.

    1. Should be i don't know about me being a household name.
