Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1, 2014-Evening

Approximately 18 mile hike today from Banner to Lewistown. It was easier today...very beautiful rolling hills, woodlands and farm fields all along Rt 24.  Offered rides twice today. 2 miles outside Lewistown I took off my backpack and collapsed on the grass.  Two ladies drove up and asked if I was OK...told them no worries just a fat man walking too far and bone tired...they laughed and drove off. Fulton County Sheriff Deputy pulled over and asked me for my ID. They then ran my license for warrants in CA and IL. Found nothing. They then asked Lewistown Police to find me a place to camp. That's when they told me about the park on the west outskirts of town. They told me exactly where to camp on a hill by the woods outside of the line of sight from the road. Warned me about the crazy lady who roams the park at night. I thought about it and later decided not to camp there. Went to the Cottonwood and they gave me a great deal on a room. Took it.

Enough about today. For those who have just joined this blog let me talk about why I am doing this hike across the US. Certain doors closed for me the past 4 months both work related and personal.  While living in Southern California 2011 to 2013 I looked into walking across the country and began walking 10 miles per day. Then I worked a storm operation for a roofing contractor in Amarillo, TX. Afterwards the doors closed.  So, in an effort to get reconnected to the Lord, I decided to hike across the US and volunteer for food banks homeless shelters and the like. I have a job lined up in Denver working at the SAME Restaurant serving homeless people. SAME was started by a couple from Hopedale, IL. Its located in downtown Denver on Colfax.

Then after a few months i want to walk down to Tuscon and work for Samaritans. Then onto to Slab City and Long Beach, CA where my sister lives. Then up the west coast and then across to Bangor, Maine and work on an organic truck farm.

All of this is Lord willing of course. We can plan our way but God decides our steps.

Anyway, if it seems like I am spiritualizing everything...well...maybe I am. Haha. Like today I got rid of some more stuff to lighten the load...I immediately thought about the Apostle Paul when he extorted believers to cast aside the weight that so easily besets us so that we can run the race set before us. Sure enough I was able to walk faster today.  Its a great metaphor. Then yesterday near Kingston Mines I was watching a bald eagle circling and cartwheeling above the farm fields and it brought to mind the verse about they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31. Note that I had to look up the verse to quote it.

The point I am making here is that I did not notice these things even when they were right in front of me. Now, I really am living in the moment for the first time since childhood. I am not thinking of my past but instead I am trying to figure out where I am sleeping tonight and if I will eat!

Just remembered what Mary Milam told me two days ago. Mary worked with me at State Farm back in the 90s. She predicted I would stop my trip at some point in time when someone asks me to stay with them. This almost happened to Peter Jenkins when he walked across America in 1973 when a mountain man named Homer Davenport asked him to stay in his cabin in the Virginia mountains and to take over his cabin and land when he died. Jenkins came close to going for it but decided to continue on his walk where he eventually met his wife in New Orleans. Then they both walked to Oregon. Anyway, Mary is usually right about we will see.

Talk to guys tomorrow.

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