Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014--Monday 7:58am

Mike dropped me off at the Countryside Restaurant on the south edge of town by the church for breakfast. He has to get to work.

Going to get a good breakfast before I start my walk to Astoria.  Mike probably spends as much time doing mission work to the community of Lewistown as anyone of us would on our regular full time job. He is on the church board, missions bd, encounters, building committee, puppet ministry, makes ornate wooden crosses...the list goes on!

He works as a carpenter both finish and rough. He has built entire homes carpentry, electrical, mechanicals, roofing the whole ball of wax. He specializes in remodels. If anyone in the area needs this kinda work done he's your man.

Got out of his truck, grabbed my backpack and paratrooper bag, shook hands and lumbered into the restaurant.

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