Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014--Monday 8:26AM

Countryside Restaurant.


  1. Thank you for sharing your walk, Bruce! What a testimony of God's faithfulness and of His Holy Spirit as it flows to all who will receive it..God's Word is so true if we have the faith to believe it...but my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus..God bless your day..we are praying for you!

    1. Twlya: arrived in Astoria and cannot make any accommodations for the night. For the first time in my life I will attempt to sleep in city park middle of the town square. Oh well knew this would be a possibility. Enough of my whining! Thank yo so much for your comments...I am always anticipating them and looking forward to them. They are inspiring me and lifting me up especially when you quote very applicable scripture. Can't wait to get your next comment! Take care Twyla!

  2. I'm just testing, Bruce, to see if I've got this blog account setup right. I encourage you to keep marching on. I've tried to spark some interest w/others about your blog. As for me, I've been checking it morning and evening. You're an interesting writer. Sweet dreams in the park!

    1. Hey Brett u r on! Appreciate yr ongoing interest! This is do cool not knowing where I'm spending the note. First I was nervous but its all part of the adventure!!!!
