Saturday, May 10, 2014

Met Bill Bassenet from Quincy!

It just doesn't end. I have just met one of the most eclectic persons ever...Bill Bassenet of Quincy. Monica introduced me to Bill tonight at his home. We discussed topics ranging from ancient civilizations to healing to name it. Bill has a reputation as a healer. He is one of the most well read knowledgeable people I have come across...and caring too.

Decided to extend things here in Quincy in order to discuss more topics with Bill. He wants to extend healing power to me next time we meet. 

Monday I need to visit the local newspaper The Whig Herald as well. So, I may stay an extra few days.

Its only day 13 and this has already been the best journey I have ever been on. Can't imagine what the next few years will bring!

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