Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Bickhaus Family!

Met Michael and Kristine Bickhaus and their 6 children today while trudging down Rt 24 a few miles outside of Fowler. Mike was mowing his very large yard when I went up to him to start a conversation.

His wife then drove up and Mike explained to her that I was walking across America...she then invited me to have lunch with them and their 6 children.

Had a great ham/cheese sandwich and a great conversation with Mike and Kristine and their children ranging in ages from 15 to 4 years.

David is the youngest and Catherine the oldest. Mike is an attorney in Quincy. The Bickhaus family worships at St Francis in Quincy.

Later, Kris took me into Quincy. Did not have enough time to walk to Quincy since I spent so much with this fantastic family so I accepted their offer to drive me into town.

Had a great conversation about life with Kris during the ride!

What a miracle meeting this wonderful family


  1. It was a Blessing meeting you, Bruce. We will keep you in our prayers on your journey. If you remember, stop by on your return trip! :)

    1. I so appreciated your family's hospitality. And I will drop by when I come back this way.
